June 12, 2012

She Reads Truth & Day 1 Soul Detox

See the lovely She Reads Truth button on my sidebar?
I came across with this website through a tweet of a friend.
You have to check it out. Now!
Now! Now! Now!
It is a community of wonderful women who encourage each other to read God's word everyday.
Yep! Everyday.
It may seem a piece of cake to others but to some, it is not.
That is why this community have it as their goal to really inspire women to do it.
Isn't that amazing!

When you go to the website, make sure you click the button New Here? so you will know how it works.

One way to use the website is to follow a plan.
Currently, they are following the Soul Detox plan with the Bible app by YouVersion.
But really, you don't need a smart phone just to follow the plan.
Good news for us who does not own one, we can follow it online here.

They also encourage the ladies to share instagram photos of their devotional.
Since I don't have one, I'll just upload my photos here in my blog.

I'm not just psyched about the Soul Detox.
I am so excited and my fire fueled because I am NOT doing this alone.
I am doing this with a bunch of lovely ladies.
Don't you just love that!
They {or we because I am already a part of it} also have a weekly truth where we memorize verses.
Then, we will also post comments and encouragement and questions and challenges.

So go over to She Reads Truth website.
You will surely be blessed just as I am.

Soul Detox: Day 1


  1. Wow that is sooo awesome. I have been praying you would find a community of women to help you in your walk with God. Not saying that I the fiance can't help. I just recognize the fact women need women! Just like guys need guys for support. THIS is soo cool!

  2. This is great Hannah! thank you so much for pasting this along
